Hi 👋, I’m Helvio Junior (aka M4v3r1ck)
Cybersecurity Researcher && Trainer && Penetration Tester
- 📔 I’m co-founder and CEO of Sec4US
- 📚 I’m currently learning Low Level stuffs and studing to OSEE
- 🔖 I’m the first to earn OSCE3 in Latin America
- 🔖 I hold the majors offensive security certifications OSCE3, OSEP, OSED, OSWE, OSCE, OSCP, eMAPT, eCXD, CEH
- 📝 I regularly (or not) write articles on https://www.helviojunior.com.br
- 💬 Ask me about buffer overflow, assembly, shellcoding, binary exploitation, exploit dev, malware dev, network, mobile pentesting and Source Code Review and so on
- 📫 How to reach me helvio.junior@sec4us.com.br
Connect with me:
Creator of 🇧🇷 Brazilian Cyber Security Certifications:
Some Badges:
My public presentations in Brazilian language (PT-BR):
Note: Only on Brazilian language (Portuguese)
- Using Windows In/Direct System call to bypass AV/EDR
- Mini Treinamento Mobile Exploitation
- Windows ROP - Return Oriented Programming
- Linux ROP - Return Oriented Programming
- Shellcode para desenvolvimento de exploits
- Printable ASCII Shellcode
- Assumindo o controle total da sua rede em menos de 1 hora, o ataque e suas principais defesas
- Post exploitation com análise de dump de memória
Note: Only on Brazilian language (Portuguese)